Monday, June 30, 2014

JFK - 50 Years Ago

JFK - 50th Anniversary

(1963 - 2013)

This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination.  A special event commemorating this anniversary is planned in Dallas, Texas.    I would love to go, but presently have no plans to attend.   Last year at this time, my previous company held their business convention in Dallas just a few blocks from Dealey Plaza (the scene of the Kennedy Assassination) but I was unable to go at that time.  Hopefully, one day I will get there.

This was so many years ago, and yet I can almost remember it as if it were yesterday.  I was rushed out of my elementary school, driven home, and then I stayed glued to the TV set for three days straight, watching all of the tragic events of the assassination unfold.

© 2013 Bob Wingate